Fashion OVER 30
Age Appropriate Fashion After 30.
While much of this evolution happens naturally, we all have those wardrobe pieces we stubbornly cling to. We may probably never wear them (or, at least, we never should). Well, I am here to help, because when it comes to clothes, every woman can use an occasional nudge toward adulthood from time to time (including, moi).
First things first: Past the age of 30, you really should be limiting your fast-fashion (remember, I touched on this in my last post) consumption to only trendy pieces you don’t want to drop a ton of cash on. But if you have other items in your closet from the fast-fashion mega stores of the world and never wear them, donate or consign them. Do it! Just get rid of them.
Instead of “fast fashion”, try investing in quality basics, you’ll thank me for this later when your entire closet is machine washable and not dry clean only.
Here’s some helpful tips:
Ok the thing about wolf shirts: You can own them; just never admit to it or wear them in public.
Instead, try a playful graphic tee.
While we very much appreciate the practicality behind pieces that can be worn inside out, they tend to be a bit too cheesy for an adult to pull off.
Instead, try a versatile piece like a leather jacket with zipper details.
Oh, collegiate sweatshirts...Once you’ve put a good eight to 10 years between yourself and your sorority days, it’s time to lay those bad boys to rest, unless you’re headed to a game to support your alma mater.
Instead, try an outdoor vibe-style sweatshirt.
I know this could be a hard pill to swallow. Have a little fun here and there. But, for the most part keep it simple, classic and timeless.
Here’s a rule of thumb that I found keeps me on fashion track: Wear pieces that when you look at picture from five to ten years ago, you won’t be able to tell what year it was. We ALL have been there at one point in our lives 😘
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I am a merchandise of Globalization
prior to a internationalists, Protectionists, And nationalists coined unfavorable "Globalization, Americans like my father were carving out the path for the integration of international markets and the [url=https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/datingrussiangirl-com]pretty girl in spanish[/url] expansion of consumer cultures throughout the world. I research and decide upon the dynamics of globalization and the links between the local and the global because, unconsciously, I am trying in order to my own past. I am anything of globalization; I would not be part of this earth if in the 1960s the Alabama based Continental/Moss Gordin Gin Company had not decided to expand its operations beyond the American market and if it had not strategically assembled a major international sales team that included bilingual personnel like my dad, Adolfo Tijerina.
Adolfo Tijerina (First on an ideal) Closing the cotton deal regarding Continental/Moss Gordin
Employees like Adolfo were the pioneers of the globalization of the business. Departing from all the economic nations, conveyor designers, Top professionals, Middle professionals, Sales distributors, researchers, And technicians entered the emerging markets with the aim of modernizing, enhancing, Opening and managing untouched markets for export and internal consumption. Colombia was one markets.
prior to now Adolfo, American aspects and scientists had arrived a few decades earlier in order to plant the seeds of globalization. They successfully transferred American Upland cotton into the Colombian and other Latin American markets aided by the insecticide industry that also accompanied the commodity and capitalized on the market’s expansion.1 Adolfo’s arrival into the Colombian market in order to supply local and foreign producers with leading edge machinery, “know how” And solutions, Was part of a bigger Latin American strategy.
The global cotton industry was looking for cheaper production and distribution centers. Companies directly and indirectly from the cotton industry were beginning to re strategize as domestic production became more expense due to higher living standards and social policy initiatives such as the abolition of Jim Crow laws. For European brands, It was the independence movements across photography equipment that jeopardized their colonial production strategy. New parts of the world needed to produce and sell cotton to the world; Latin America was hand picked as one example regional production markets.
thanks to the World Bank and other multilateral lending agencies, Various gets across Latin America began to industrially produce cotton. using on the multilateral efforts, The American cotton industry was well on its way to taking advantage of the expansion of the cotton markets in its "yard, Continental/Moss Gordin responded with its own essential business strategy, presenting these emerging markets with machinery, modern technology and services, contributing to the fulfillment of the World Bank’s economic development and modernization goals.
Adolfo was within the center of the globalization of the cotton market and I do not think he ever realized it. Before language skills became a key soft skill of the contemporary business world, He was positioning his company above its competitors simply because he knew the product and was bilingual in Spanish. His language and cultural navigation skill set not only allowed the company to advance its international strategy but it strengthened their capabilities in these markets. The fact that he was bilingual set him apart from other sales officials that inundated the Latin American market during the 1960s and 1970s, And it was the main reason whiy he became an [url=https://meetspanishwomen.wixsite.com/meetspanishwomen/post/spanish-women-v-s-american-women]pretty spanish girls[/url] important asset and key component of the company’s global strategy.
Yield increases in Colombia resulted in more machinery was needed and more services were demanded, Which meant that there was even more reasons for Adolfo to remain serving this and other regional markets. It is how in a type of trips, He met my mother and once I was born.
The lifestyle of the international sales indicitive of was exhilarating at first but the lack of stability eventually took its toll. manufacturers like Continental/Miss Gordin did not care about the psychological or emotional impact of the job, All they thought about were quarterly and annual results. Apparently not much has changed in the world of external business.
the reasons why my parents’ marriage did not work out, Why Adolfo left his job at the international corporation, And why life dealt us just one set of cards is part of another story. The fact is that the initial experiment of globalizing the market never took into consideration the impact that these market strategies would have on the key stakeholders themselves. The human side effects are never considered, Just like community and geographical impacts.
Nobody in Continental/Moss Gordin even wondered what the impact of its global strategy achievable to represent in the life of Adolfo Tijerina. the results of globalization were uncertain at the time, The experiment was in its initial stages. The same experiment that would eventually motivate American businessmen to move their operations overseas, Not calculating what the local consequences would be. Nobody envisioned what the outcome of closing paper mills and shoe factories in Maine would be, But everything you should do is take a walk around Old Town or Millinocket.
I was a product of the try things out. making it very thank Continental/Moss Gordin for being on this earth, Without their arena business strategy I would not be around to tell the story. yet, I am also saddened that the development of the company into Latin America had a negative effect on my dad’s life and for all of those who were close to him. this is, you, Before the times of Corporate Social obligations. Nobody believed, as an example, That cultural adaptation was important or that work life balance was a key component of long term sustainability of an employee exposed to life on the road in the international market. regardless, He was a fundamental element of the experiment.
This short glimpse at my father’s experience is my way of explaining why I am interested in issues of globalization and why I am involved with the connections between the local and the global. like i said previously before, I am an item of globalization. If it was not for the expansion of global cotton production I would not be here; It was thanks to Continental/Moss Gordin’s strategy to tailor to the foreign and not the local market. The rise of cotton growth in Colombia increased the odds of me being born; spectacular but true. The red carpet treatment with which outsiders were welcomed in Colombia increased the odds even more, let alone the fact that my mother was also bilingual in English.
Forty plus years of the globalization experiment shows that there is no turning back. regardless of how big and sturdy the walls of isolation are, The market will continue to expand and technology and innovations will create even more and unimaginable markets, Just like the global market constructed around cotton of which my father was an inclusive element of.
I wait for continuing linking the local with the global and the local with the global throughout this year. I also wait for your comments and feedback. satisfied and content 2019!My name is Stefano Tijerina and this blog’s objective is to attach Maine’s social, general, fiscal, life, And political issues to the world system, focusing on how the local impacts the global and how the global impacts the local or what is known in Global Studies as the “Glocal” influence. In our present era of globalization it is crucial for people to understand how the new dynamics of the international system impact our lives here in Maine and how our local decisions impact the earth. These are our views, And they don’t express those of the University of Maine System or the University of Maine.
My name is Stefano Tijerina and this blog’s objective is in order to connect Maine’s social, the environmental, fiscal, social, And political issues to the worldwide system, focusing on how the local impacts the global and how the global impacts the local or what is known in Global Studies as the “Glocal” affect. In our present era of globalization it is crucial for most people to understand how the new dynamics of the international system impact our lives here in Maine and how our local decisions impact the earth. These are my very own views, And they don’t really express those of the University of Maine System or the University of Maine.
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